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About The Wandering Earth

About The Wandering Earth

Introducing 'The Wandering Earth – Odyssey' NFT Project by AceMeta : Bringing Liu Ci Xin's vision to Web 3.0, AceMeta merges science fiction and astronomy in 'The Wandering Earth – Odyssey'. A NFT collection that educates and captivates a community from all walks of life. Rooted in a novella exploring humanity's depths, it evolves with NFTs, bridging the gap in a changing media landscape. The Acemeta Company pioneers this fusion, uniting science fiction and web3 on a visionary journey together with our on-chain partner PlatON.

manifesto background



To the wonderers…

“Here’s to the wonderers. The nomads. The adventurers. The students and the teachers. The ones who look to the stars and ever thought that there is more. They may feel small and at times, lost. But they revel in the importance of experiencing life and sharing its’ beauty with those who are loved and cherished. You can focus on the present, look down, distract yourself, suppress it or even try to blatantly ignore it but it is undeniable human nature to think, to share and to wonder.”



Q3 2023

Launch Social Media Release Concept Art

Q3 2023

Announce Industry Partnerships Token2049 Presale

Q4 2023

Official Public Mint

Q1 2024

Staking Merchandising

Q2 2024

Community Engagement Lore Expansion Merchandising

Q3 2024

Web Hosted Games Web Comic and Light Novel

More coming soon


Utility 1:


Discover a whole new dimension to our project with the introduction of staking. Beyond owning remarkable digital assets, holders will be able to actively engage and contribute to the project's growth. By staking your tokens, you'll unlock access to exclusive content and features that are centered around space education.

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